What is your name?
My name is Mel Cameron.
Describe yourself in 3 to 5 words.
Health and fitness orientated.
What is your attitude towards sun protection today?
Currently I am very aware of the effect of the sun on my skin and the requirements needed for adequate sun protection. I use very high protection sunscreen on all exposed areas of skin every day. I cover up with clothing, hats and sunglasses. I have done this for 16 years since I was 21 years old because my mum developed a skin cancer that was fortunately able to be removed successfully.
I realised I had her skin type and needed to be careful. As a result most of my skin is very youthful and healthy for my age as reflected when I had a UV camera used on my face to check for skin damage. In saying that, however, I noticed a few years ago that my arms and shoulders had some freckles and skin damage.
I researched and found out that clothing doesn't always protect against the sun, particularly the thin, lightweight shirts that I was wearing in summer, when the UV index is highest. I have since used appropriate clothing to cover up in everyday life.
What would you tell your 16 year old self about sun protection?
- A tan is not a sign of health but a sign of damaged skin. Wear fake tan if you must or love your colour as it is.
- Wear SPF 50+ sunscreen on exposed skin every day and reapply if you are in the sun all day (It also helps prevent wrinkles).
- Wear a UPF 50 hat for extra protection when in the sun. There are nice trendy hats available now.
- Wear UPF 50 long sleeve shirts and tops if you are out in the sun for extended amounts of time on high UV days.
- Use apps like Sunsmart to dress appropriately for the UV index and get advice on covering up.
Thank you Mel for helping raise awareness for skin cancer, melanoma and skin conditions, and sharing your story with us and our Solbari Community.